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Good shot of White Rhino on the move.

April 2018

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The Ostrich, Struthio Camelus, is a universally recognised bird. It was fashionable to wear hats and dresses made from ostrich plumes, especially during the colonial era. Large numbers of ostriches were exported to places all over the world, and, as a result, the ostrich is well...
Sighting of Hippo in Olifants River while o Bush Walk.

March 2018

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The White-backed Vulture, Gyps Africanus, is the most common vulture in our area. It is so named because of the white  feathers on the lower back, best noticed when the bird is in flight. Large numbers of these birds are seen at kills. They have extremely good eyesight and from...
Close and personal with elephant on Tshukudu.

February 2018

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The Wild Dog, Lycaon Pictus, is nomadic and travels vast distances in search of prey. Wild Dogs generally try to avoid areas where there is a regular lion presence. They are able to slip in and out of fenced reserves using passages made under the fences by warthogs. Consequently...
Brilliant shot of young White Lion

January 2018

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As a result of feedback from regular recipients of our monthly newsletter, I have decided to cut down on detail in the reports submitted by the tourist guides. This will result in a shorter newsletter that I am advised will be more “user-friendly”. December 2017 and January 2018...
Leopard on Leadwood branch.

August 2017

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One of the responsibilities of tour operators/ game lodge owners, in my opinion, is passing on a conservation ethic to our guests. It is well and good to provide brilliant game-viewing opportunities along with real African experiences but we would be failing dismally if our...
Leopard close to Viva vehicle.

July 2017

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The Serrated Hinged Terrapin, Pelusios Sinuatus, is a common resident of all rivers and major dams in Kruger Park. Terrapins are essentially fresh water turtles. It is called Hinged as it has a hinge in its shell which can be closed after retracting its head. The carapace (hard...
Elephant antics at the Waterhole.

June 2017

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About 3 weeks ago, I went on a safari into Kruger with one of our newer guides, Lamby. Although I was well aware of his exceptional abilities while he was Head Guide at another safari company, it is part of my job to evaluate all our guides. Lamby was very good BUT the rhino...
Zanelle and friends

May 2017

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The domestication of wild animals is, for me personally, not a good idea. I have little interest in walking with lions or “interacting” with elephants. The fact that most elephant-back safari operations are closing down is good news to me. There are some of Viva’s guests that...
Lioness right in front of Rex’s Landcruiser.

April 2017

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The Spotted Hyena, Crocuta crocuta, is so named because of the irregular brown spots on a sandy yellow background coat. The young, interestingly, are dark brown, almost black. The Spotted Hyena has a strong neck and forequarters with a sloping back. It is the “Jaws” of the bush,...
Impressive shot of Black Rhino.

March 2017

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The Warthog, Phacochoerus Africanus, is now as common and as entertaining a visitor to the Tremisana Lodge gardens as the monkey troop. Perhaps they are even more welcome as warthogs do not bother guests at breakfast time, trying to steal food. We have replaced the small yoghurts...